June 2018 Tarotscope

June 2018 Tarotscope
General Overview

This June expect there to be a behind the scenes kind of action happening. So even though it feels like nothing much is happening physically, it doesn’t mean ‘nothing’ is happening at all. Take a chill pill if that’s your fancy. But keep your awareness heightened and remember energy attracts energy! Water signs  might be under a bit of a strain in trying to keep it all together emotionally in the first week. So delegate, delegate and delegate i say! Avoid taking on more than you can handle. This will be your chance to put your leadership qualities on display. So go on! Gather your minions! The second week of June provides a perfect window of opportunity for collaborations. Some would have attained a healthy relationship with their finances and will be in a generous position to help financially or offer advice. Others might be on the receiving end of this generosity or perhaps meet a kindred soul that shares their enthusiasm and outlook and possibly partner up to pursue a creative project or be inspired by your new found friend to pursue an idea! So inspiration is the theme of the second week. Things might feel a little more serious and heavy when it comes to relationships and families in the third week. Key is not to assume you already know everything there is to know about someone. Trust your instincts if something does not feel quite right. What you see on social media is not always the gospel truth about a person’s well-being. It’s a nice concluding week to the month, where there is a sense of balance and gratitude surrounding your current achievements. Your mind is free of worry and finances begin to flow with ease. It’s all about the movement of energies.  We purge energies that aren’t of our signature and that is exactly what has been happening behind the scenes! Releasing what is not ours makes way for abundance that is totally ours! Remember to give thanks and more shall flow!


GeminiGemini (May 21 – Jun 20)

This Month

Emotionally drained is what you will feel this month. Perhaps, a shift in mindset will help. Rest as much as you can – the only solution to replenishing your depleted energy. Get a boost of that vitamin called ‘positive energy’ by surrounding yourself with happy, successful and enthusiastic people! Remember to express gratitude for what is still standing. Remove emotions and taking things too personally out of the equation. All a guaranteed potion for your recovery this June!

Year Ahead (June 2018 – May 2019)

This year proves how important self-expression and communication is being Gemini and having your ruling planet as Mercury. You are pushed to pursue a creative form of self-expression like drama, writing, painting or even music. It’s not a pursuit that was dreamt overnight but something that has been lingering at the back of your mind for ages but just never found a time and place to flourish. The seed was planted a long time ago, and this first quarter you find the right resources to nurture and see through this desire. Securing your passion shifts your relationship with money to a different light. You realise there is no need to engage in mundane activities to make ends meet. This has made your previous vocation look like a means to an end when it didn’t need to be.

Finances begin to flourish in the third quarter as it turns out to be your most productive quarter of the year. Your career move puts you in the best financial position you have ever been. Life is finally feeling balanced, complete and stress-free while you get to do what you love while still being able to provide for yourself and your family. We all hit a wall from time to time and will require a review of our actions for future plans. And that is exactly what the fourth quarter is about – taking stock of your results and how you could possibly make further improvements. Setbacks are not for you to feel sorry about but to learn from and move on. There is a lot to learn from this coming year – so don’t rush your steps but take your time to assess before leaping.

AriesAries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Reign in the fiery nature of Aries this month, while you strive to achieve harmony and balance with your surroundings. There is no need to go all out to appease – that attitude doesn’t suit you anyway! Just stick with the status quo and act with confidence and authority. Keep your emotions well under control and this will earn you the respect and balance you seek this June!

TaurusTaurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

The month ahead for Taurus looks extremely tranquil and happy. Am jealous! But well done anyway, your poise and elegance is the result of you finally achieving the calm within when everything was mad on the outside. You have truly come full circle. Your actions speak louder than your words this month. In fact, saying less is more. Words just get twisted anyway! Time to celebrate!

CancerCancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

All is shipshape in the world of Cancer! The Sun is shining all its glory on all aspects of your life like health, career, finances and relationships. There is an understanding that continued success comes to those who work hard at keeping it. The month plods on with you trying to hold on to your successes! But what’s next you ask yourself? The challenge does wear off and it’s possibly time to look for something else by the end of the month!

LeoLeo (Jul 23 – Aug 22)

It’s a month of inspiration and may begin with an idea or ideas. The key to making it all happen is to pay attention to your unconscious mind. Easier said than done! Actually, there isn’t anything to do but to feel and allow yourself to be drawn to places, people or even be inspired by a dream that doesn’t make sense. I would not ignore anything that seems weird or impossible to fathom. Take it all as a stepping stone to something else. You are at the beginning of something this month. It will be easy to lose interest when nothing seems doable as it isn’t a month where things will materialise physically. Take this as an opportunity to polish up any rough diamonds before you take action.

VirgoVirgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Clarity is achieved with the relationships that you have surrounded yourself with over time. These relationships can be anything from your milkman to even your partner in life. Difficulties may be experienced to make you see who are the ones still standing when you need them the most. It’s alright to feel vulnerable from time to time. Even dictators crumble. But it’s that inner knowing that you gain this month that you can’t discount. That confirmation from people and relationships that you can certainly count on. You may find yourself visiting that ‘friend’ list on Facebook by the end of June!

LibraLibra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

If things have been trying the last month or two then there will be lots to look forward to this June. Things are feeling positive again as you enter a time of peace, calm and love. You will be on the giving as well as the receiving end – how wonderful! Your aura becomes a magnet for everything that is good including good health and finances. I would not blame you if you wish to steer clear of grumps and miserable people! You should be using this positive high to attract positivity and to keep it up for as long as you can. Use your midas touch to kick start any plans – now is certainly the time to take action!

ScorpioScorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Chaos and taking on much more than you can handle is going to be second nature after this June. Your calm swanlike nature will give no indication as to how hard you are peddling under water to stay afloat. There is nothing much you can do to lessen the load this month. It’s kind of meant to happen all at once. However, it’s going to be a pretty good lesson at learning how to maintain your composure and not allowing circumstances in pushing you into making the wrong decisions. So just keep calm and carry on and all shall be fine!  

SagittariusSagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

You might have to compromise freedom of flexibility to gain financial freedom this month. It will feel strange to be restrained within a given set of rules and guidelines set by others. You could be on the receiving or giving end of financial help. If you are providing financial help to get a creative project under way, then expect to be a silent partner and not be given the chance to have a voice despite your investment. If you are on the receiving end of such a windfall to allow your project to happen then be prepared to sacrifice your eccentric ideas. Your investors will probably be too conservative to risk their investment to something radical. This experience should be taken with a view that this is going to be a stepping stone to something else in the future rather than feeling deflated by the lack of your input.

CapricornCapricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

A rather confusing June awaits for Capricorn. You may encounter a sense of feeling torn between walking away from all that you have established through your hard work or carrying on with it. The calling to pursue a project that brings a great deal of inner satisfaction overtakes your desire to achieve material satisfaction. A different sort of adrenalin rush which makes no sense to most people stirs excitement within you. The thought of appearing loony and not having a care about what others think about you or your achievements become secondary. Whilst it may sound all magical and hippy to run off naked into the woods to prance around a bonfire, you may also want to listen to the voice of reason in your head from time to time.

AquariusAquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

Coming into a time of peace and healing can be a very instrumental time in our lives. This cathartic experience will draw you into the realisation that you have held onto your painful past long enough now and it is time to let go. Begin to reconnect with people and nature around you. Mother Earth will provide the platform for this healing so surrender and return all that has hurt you back to Her and begin to feel the gratitude for your very existence. Spend as much time as you can in nature this June. This will allow for an energetic revelation where you begin to understand how important it is to let go of what you don’t need to make way for your goals and dreams to materialise.  

PiscesPisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Not the most ideal of months for Pisces but plenty to learn from. The events of the month aren’t really within your control. They are meant to happen no matter what precautions you may take to avoid such situations. Something that you have been working very hard at for some time goes pear-shaped this June. The biggest lesson that you can take from this month will be to always have a backup plan. Don’t spend too long wallowing on your loss but to learn from what went wrong and quickly pick yourself up and move on.

E: sharan@tarotbysharan.com | Follow Me: Facebook,  Twitter & Instagram

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