June 2020 Tarotscope

June 2020 Tarotscope – It’s time to rebuild by evicting old ways of thinking and doing. Your job this month, is to find creative ways of fixing a financial loss which you have suffered recently. The good news is, you do become successful with it this month. Opportunities are seized, foundations laid so you may reach your goal of providing for your loved ones. The key to getting things right is to have your heart and mind in the right place. It’s easy to get stuck in the old way and not be able to see a way out of it and it’s also just as easy to get emotionally tangled with loss and find yourself unable to move forward. So bring yourself back to reality with a balanced heart and mind and you should find the motivation and energy to move forward.

Take caution as we enter the second Mercury Retrograde of the year this June. This month is all about regaining your mojo after a setback but to also find a new path. It may be something you are unfamiliar with so it will feel like stepping into the unknown. Trying to go back to the old ways won’t work anymore and there will be nothing to gain from it anymore so refrain from trying to revert to the past but instead, embrace the unknown and move forward with the new.


Gemini (May 21 – Jun 20) – Despite the adversities and difficulties of late, you have persevered & displayed true grit to get to where you are now. Your strength and resilience is one to be admired. It hasn’t been easy to navigate the storm you have just come out of. But you have steered yourself to a place of calm. You have found your footing, at last, and can now begin to pursue a methodical way to grow your business, career or investments. Let’s just say you found your secret ingredient this month.

Year Ahead (June 2020 – May 2021)

There is a mix of action and lying low in the coming year ahead. You begin with discovering a partnership which gives you stability. You may be on the receiving end of material help or providing help. But either way, this puts you in a very strong position of achieving your goals with structure and a clear method. In the second quarter, you are left with making a decision to either move forward or hit the pause button to reflect. It’s a tough decision to make, as both will lead you to something different but equally good. The ride to get to the decision does take a toll on you but the outcome could not have been better. You feel like you have reached the summit by the second half of the year. But it may also be a time to stop and replenish. Perhaps, try to gain clarity on your next steps in life. The slowing down of your thoughts does lead you to a time of self-realisation and appreciation of every event that has taken place during the year. And this refers to both, the positive and negative. There is an overwhelming feeling of love and gratitude and this allows you to move forward with life and let go of people or circumstances which haven’t been in your favour. The realisation that all that has happened, has happened for a very good reason could not be any stronger. Every experience will come together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.

Aries (Mar 21– Apr 19) – It feels like an opportune time to embark on a new journey for material gain this month. Opportunities are around but you may have exhausted what is familiar to you; so it’s time to try some new avenues. It is a time for transition, you may find yourself moving to new work, a new home, or even country or just leaving behind people that just don’t fit in your life at the moment. But this will be for the better, and you will eventually see this. You will be working towards growing your finances for the long-term and be in a healthy financial position where you will be able to provide for your family. It’s going to be a positive month, where positive changes will take place.

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20) – Take control of your emotions this month. If there is someone of interest to you, turn up your charm and test out novel wooing techniques. This could apply to a love or business interest. A little flirtation would actually do you good. Exude confidence with your natural sense of style and let go of any insecurities you may have. It’s the perfect time to reinvent yourself. It’s out with the old and in with the new this June.


Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22) – It’s a month of choices where you choose to feel stuck or you choose to move forward. The old ways of doing things may become self-limiting. Switch to a panoramic vision from tunnel vision is what you need to do. Nothing is impossible. It’s your thoughts which aren’t allowing you to reach your full capacity. Waste no time with wallowing, instead seize this time to set clear intentions and focused actions to move forward quickly with determination and undeterred willpower to realise your goals.

Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 22) – The month ahead is about being fair to yourself and achieving an equilibrium with life. It’s time to move towards a new phase of life. You don’t necessarily have to take on or accept every responsibility or role. You have the freewill to choose that which feels right for you at this moment. You can choose to put a stop to making decisions out of desperation and a feeling of lack and make decisions from a place of abundance. If you choose to sit on a decision, there is no wrong in this but it only means you are giving yourself some space to get to a place where you will be ready to take on an opportunity. 

Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22) – You find yourself hitting the pause button, to switch over to a different perspective when it comes to career or business. If you have been in a partnership, it may be time to review where you both are at. You may find that the partnership isn’t delivering what you were hoping to achieve or your perspectives have shifted and the partnership doesn’t fit your new mindset anymore. So slow down if you have to, re-evaluate and take off with your new ideas and strategies.

Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22) – It’s quite a rare opportunity when your emotions, intellect and instincts all come together which then puts you in a place of making the best and sharpest decisions you could possibly make for yourself. These decisions are then followed through with very methodical and consistent steps which you know will guarantee your success. Use this time very wisely, waste not, and you may find this to be one of the most productive months of your life.

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21) – This is the month where you let go of all baggage and the fog in your path clears up to reveal clear and distinct opportunities. You may have bogged yourself down in the past and hence missed out on these opportunities. It’s time to get your head out of the sand to look ahead. It isn’t the time to be jumping into action but for in depth research and planning. So take your time and think through what your next steps should be.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21) – Allow yourself to go on a journey of self-healing this month. Heartbreak and disappointments can certainly wear and tear a person down but it’s essential that you begin to let go of what has hurt you and move along. It may mean letting go of relationships, moving to another place to make new memories or simply cutting or reducing communication with the unwelcome parties in your life. Begin to see what is left standing and you may find things and life in general feeling a lot more fresher. And discover how much easier it is to flourish in this new found environment. It’s a time to bask in the goodness of the new after shedding the old.

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19) – There are new opportunities around you which may present themselves as a new start for you. Or you may consider delving in an opportunity which you have never done before. Whatever this new opportunity maybe, it certainly brings an increase in wealth and prosperity to you. This is going to be music to your ears. But the industrious and controlling Capricorn, can’t help taking on too much and find themselves overworking. It’s a fresh start to something lucrative, which also makes it an opportune moment to try using a different approach to work.

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18) – There is unhappiness at work and it has been like that for a while now. The journey this month is about moving out of a mindset of what isn’t working for you or a feeling of being displaced to one which focuses on what is there and working. So a realisation of discovering fulfilment in your existence and your moment and that it holds more to you than chasing what isn’t there sets in. It’s a brilliant month, as you find yourself coming full circle and feeling like you have the best life in the world after starting the month with a feeling of lack.

Pisces (Mar 20 – Apr 221) – There is lots to learn about the art of balance in life in this month. This could apply to the Pisces personality in general or just life in general. Pisces by nature are very creative individuals and tend to have a dreamy side. You may find yourself trying to balance that with a little more constructive thinking and action. Rather than dreaming up possibilities, you work at calculating your possibilities realistically. This newfound habit has a positive effect on your finances as well. Rather than thinking you have more than you need and become overly generous, you begin to practise some restraint and balance in your spending habits.

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