June 2023 Tarotscopes

You can’t take on everything, there is no shame in delegating.

You have a choice to make at the start of the month. Something has to give. You need to prepare yourself to let go of what isn’t serving you anymore. It may be a role you play in your life or a job or career. You could be wearing yourself thin by juggling too many roles. So take a step and analyse what is holding you back from being your best self. 

There are further changes to pay attention to this month. Give more of yourself in terms of your attention, time or love to the people or jobs that matter. There is no point in regretting that you haven’t done so in the past. You can make that improvement now.

Attaining balance is important, you can’t take on everything yourself. It’s time to start delegating this month. 

The last change you will be giving your attention to will be feeling like you aren’t good enough or unable to attract the success you have been working so hard for because you aren’t deserving or you aren’t in the right place at the right time. It all begins with your inner confidence and it’s time to work on that this month.

Happy Birthday Gemini!


Gemini (May 21 – Jun 20)

There is work to be done on your relationship with your finances this month. It’s time to establish a more healthier relationship where you have a fair amount of inflow and outflow happening. Move away from a mindset of scarceness and to one where you reward yourself where it’s appropriate. This can be seen as a way of appreciation of you and your efforts. The key takeaway this month is, accumulation of wealth isn’t a gauge of your happiness but appreciating yourself and rewarding yourself when you think you are deserving is a healthier gauge.

Gemini June 2023 Tarotscopes
Aries June 2023 Tarotscopes

Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Sometimes all you are left with is to just carry on. There isn’t really any other way when you are in a place of loss; loss of someone, a job or money. There is no other way around it but to just to start again. You will be moving forward with focused determination this month and take charge of your situation. Even if it means you have to take on all sorts of roles and responsibilities, you just have to make it work this time.

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

You are in it for the long haul. You may feel like you can’t take any more of this but you know what the end target is and you can’t stop now. You are near the end so hang on a bit more. This is a mere test of your inner strength and how much you can take. If there is an offer of help, do take it. There is no shame in that.

Taurus June 2023 Tarotscopes
Cancer June 2023 Tarotscopes

Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

If you have been feeling low, have been stuck in a situation where you are unsure of the outcome or uncertain about a character in your life, you will gain clarity this month. It’s time to see through the situation or people and trust your intuition. You may decide by the end of the month to step away from a situation that has caused you grief or a person that you aren’t able to trust after you discover.

Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 22)

Contemplate and listen to your feelings before you plunge into action this month. You might need to retreat into solitude so as not to be distracted by the opinions of others to discover what your heart really desires and what would make you truly happy. Once you think you have found that, take steps to achieve that. Always be in touch with your intuitions and be in tune with the energies around you to guide you on this journey.

Leo June 2023 Tarotscopes
Virgo June 2023 Tarotscopes

Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

It’s time to pay attention to your expenses this month. You might need to cut back on treats and splurges on yourself and your family while you focus on getting things back in order. You’ve probably got ahead of yourself in terms of your ideas and plans and didn’t account for certain expenses in the process of doing so. Manage your expectations around money and you should be fine. It doesn’t look like this will be a continuous occurrence once you curb your expenses.

Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

There is trouble with love this month. You can take a break from your relationship so each one of you can work on your communication. The key is to have raw and honest communication with one another. How you communicate is also very important. If the break doesn’t improve things then you might need to think about how things will be in the long-term. Do you want to work through this conflict or walking away would be the best option here? Do remember that walking away would mean you haven’t really learnt from this conflict. And there is a good chance of you having to face it again with a different person.

Libra June 2023 Tarotscopes
Scorpio June 2023 Tarotscopes

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

There is worry about being let down and being disappointed if things don’t go as you hope. You are certainly putting a lot of pressure on yourself this month to deliver. There isn’t much you can do other than to be methodical with your planning and consistent with your actions. Follow these two things and you will see your wishes coming true.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

The pieces of the puzzle are coming together this month. You have wondered for a while what you should be doing in terms of a hobby, career, taking up a course of study  or even a business venture. Things will click and you get the support of your loved ones for your newfound journey. A lot of things have held you back in the past from pursuing what you have been searching for but now that the obstacles have been lifted things have become clear as day and the path ahead will open up.

Sagittarius June 2023 Tarotscopes
Capricorn June 2023 Tarotscopes

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

There may be opposition, conflict and possibly a threat to your position this month. That is the reality of success. You may need to halt or pause your efforts in accomplishing what you have set out to do. Or step back from the situation you are faced with to find an alternative to completing your task. The obstacles will be lifted by the end month and everything will fall in place.

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

Take the initiative to make changes to improve your skills. The month ahead is for honing your skills. Either to get better at what you do or to pick up an additional skill to add to your repertoire of abilities. You may decide to pick up a course or accept a new role to pick up new knowledge. There is a chance of a new beginning with your career. All for the betterment of your career.

Aquarius June 2023 Tarotscopes
Pisces June 2023 Tarotscopes

Pisces (Mar 20 – Apr 21)

There will be a change in the course of your direction with your long-term plans. The path you thought was in alignment with your wants doesn’t quite seem fitting anymore. There is no need to make a detour at the moment. You can wait and watch to see where you journey leads before you change your course. You will need to be patient and manage your emotions before you make decisions which could end up becoming life changing.