2019 Tarotscope

2019 is the year of universal number 3. Three represents creativity, communication and enthusiasm. Expect a year of making things happen. You will be raring to go as soon as January kicks in as the energies will feel uplifting hence making you want to be better and do better.

March 2016 Tarotscope

March 2016 Tarot Forecast The warmth of spring waits as we ring in March! The month is going to be a very eventful and dramatic one whilst keeping with the theme of nine for 2016. Expect irreversible changes, some positive some not so. Embrace the concept of change as it is a good thing. It…

July 2015 Tarotscope

July 2015 Tarot Forecast If June was filled with plenty of action, then expect the complete opposite in July. Some may choose to spend some quiet time pondering and soul searching. New Year resolutions and goals will be revisited and reassessed as to where you are at with them this mid-year. A declutter of the…