October 2021 Tarotscopes

Time for a change of perspective There are some important choices to make this October. One of them will be about managing your time with family or your loved ones and work. You are definitely taking on too much work wise and it’s to make a plan how you are going to manage your time…

January 2021 Tarotscope

Time for fresh goals and intentions.. It’s the first month in the new year. Time for resolutions and a fresh set of goals. This January will be a time of fine tuning things you are already working on or digging into new ventures. Use your power and authority sparingly. Remember the double edged sword. Power…

November 2020 Tarotscope

November, a month of learning from your past mistakes and learning to trust your instincts and going with the flow. Review why things haven’t gone according to plan rather than focusing on the fact that things didn’t turn out as you had expected. It’s alright to dream as long as the dream is followed through…

September 2020 Tarotscope

There will be  a need to pack as much as you can in a month this September – it’s time to play catch up. Enough time has been wasted not achieving much. You now realise how behind you are with your set targets. Relationships as well as finances will be your key areas. For the…

2020 Tarotscope

2020 Tarotscope – The year 2020 calls for a bit more attention towards your relationships. The numerology calculation for 2020 is 4 which stands for creating stability and structure within your life. The number 2 in 2020 also represents harmony, faith and trust in relationships. You can be expected to create a plan to establish…

July 2019 Tarotscope

This month we will be in Mercury Retrograde for most of the month. Take this time to take it easy, reflect and avoid making important decisions. Things may feel too much for you in the first week. Not to a point of having a meltdown but close enough for you to decide that you need to slow things down.

April 2019 Tarotscope

April, when first signs of spring finally emerge, is also the perfect time to embark on new projects. You may want to rekindle a passion from your past or as far back as your childhood. Or perhaps start a project where you can involve your little ones.

April 2018 Tarotscope

April 2018 Tarot Forecast We say goodbye to an emotionally charged March to be greeted by Mercury Retrograde as we enter April – for the first two weeks. Strangely so, the emotions continue to linger on in the first week of April but in a more positive way. It’s good news for singletons as they…

July 2016 Tarotscope

July 2016 Tarot Forecast It’s time to kick things up a notch with all the retrogrades that have taken place recently. Nothing to blame on anymore. There is a sense of urgency in changing things around you during the first week. It feels like too much time has been wasted and it’s now time to…

June 2015 Tarotscope

June 2015 Tarot Forecast Hurrah it’s the first month of summer! June promises to live up to being one of the most positive months of the year as the temperature rises. Mercury retrograde sees its exit on the 11th of June. But the worst of it was already over in May. So kick back and…