December 2021 Tarotscopes

Money and relationship opportunities galore!

It looks like an eventful month ahead with money opportunities and relationships this December. It might be worth considering a side hustle this month. Or the possibility of juggling more than one money making avenue. The timing feels right as well to be exploring this possibility. New opportunities however need to be considered very carefully. Do not allow your emotions to get the better of you. Instead, restrain your emotions and practice a bit of balance when it comes to making money related decisions. It’s important to feel passionate about what you are about to pursue but do be level headed about your capabilities and surrounding climate. There is a new beginning around relationships. Harmony is finally reached in some challenging romantic and family relationships. If you are meeting a potential partner this month, the advice is to be clear about the type of qualities that your partner should have. It’s all well to be head over heels. But this month calls for some emotional maturity when it comes to deciding matters of the heart.



Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

There is a shift in your attitude towards money. Your usually frivolous spending habits will come to a stop. Instead, you are planning for your financial future. And trying out holding on to your money actually feels alot better than squandering the minute you get it. Am not saying you will be turning into a scrooge. You will still be treating yourself and others when it’s due but it will be within sensible measures. Money comes easily to Sagittarius but holding on to it has always been an issue. The key is to change that mindset.


Aries (Mar 21– Apr 19)

Your stability and your foundations are about to be rocked this month. Things as you know it are about to enter a massive change. You may decide to make a 180 degree change in your career direction. Decide to finally open up a winery after years of being in banking. Or decide to put your entire life savings in a restaurant when you have no food or hospitality background whatsoever. Basically, it’s all about unpredictable change and embracing the unknown and uncertainty ahead and leaving behind your comfort zone.


Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

The month ahead will be a busy one where you will be taking a new idea or inspiration to fruition. There is no time to waste this December. The idea is going to be lucrative ond all effort is made to move things forward. It also does feel as though things have landed on your plate at the perfect time as the tools and resources seem to be at your disposal to make things happen.


Gemini (May 21 – Jun 20)

Work and opportunities are coming through fast and furious this month. Although it is the end of the year, it doesn’t look like things are going to slow down for you. As soon as you clear a task, another one will be needing your attention. If you are in business for yourself, expect this month to be brimming with opportunities and signed contracts.


Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Your plans for a new venture might be taking a turn this month. The idea of taking on a new project, learning a new skill or furthering your studying might not be working out so well because your decision to get into it wasn’t thought through enough in the first place. You may have rushed into things when you weren’t actually prepared for it or circumstances may have changed requiring you to put a pause on your ventures.


Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 22)

You may make the conscious decision to walk away from the negative forces that are not allowing you to be the best version of yourself. This may refer to your bad habits, letting go of your imposter syndrome or even dependencies. This realisation will lead you to accomplish your goals with this newfound clarity and this positive mindset.


Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

This month calls for boldness and guts. Don’t be afraid to let yourself shine and unleash your own power to get what you want this month. You will need all of the above to venture into unknown territories. To reach your dreams and goals you will need to step out of your comfort zone. The ultimate destination is to reach financial independence and to be an authority in your field. There will be no stopping you.


Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

If you want to get things moving this month, you may need to tone down your personality a little. The key is to blend in and not to stand out. I know it sounds absolutely boring for you. It’s a strange month where less will be more. Slow it down, take it easy, be less bossy or be still and quiet! You got this!


Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

It might be challenging trying to step into the shoes of others this month. But that seems like a must if you wish to collaborate and work together with others. You need to empathise with the frustration of the others around you and understanding their position and woes will give you an edge in moving things forward in the direction you want to take things. The key to resolving your challenges will be to put on your listening ear. Appearing like you are on their side will allow you to gain their trust.


Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Sometimes to stick to your beliefs and passion you will need to fend off some objections. Perhaps lose some things along the way. Be it in the form of relationships, time or even money. But if you believe in something strong enough, and see through your adversities and come out of the other end unscathed. Then you are where you are meant to be. There will be challenges this month trying to stick to your guns. But stay put, the storm shall pass.


Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

Manage your impulsiveness and recklessness this month. Keep your emotions at bay instead trust your intuition and use your intellect and logic. You can get carried away if you allow your emotions into the mix. There are decisions to be made this month which will require stealth and strategy. So pace yourself to avoid disappointment. It’s also a time to reward yourself this month. You have worked hard and held your nerve throughout the year. So treat yourself!


Pisces (Mar 20 – Apr 21)

Try not to be fussy this month. Doing so might leave you in a position of not being able to move forward. The perfectionist in you can hold you back sometimes. So try to trust your intuition whatever the situation may be even though it isn’t ideal. You got to work with what you got this month. You will soon realise you are where you are meant to be.


Sagittarius image by Laura Lhuillier